"Unleash Your Dog's Superpowers: Discovering the Amazing Benefits of a PNI Snuffle Mat"

Magnificent and marvelous creatures, our canine companions possess an astonishing olfactory acuity that leaves us humans in the dust. To truly appreciate the capabilities of their remarkable sense of smell, you must watch a video – trust me! I can confidently assert that compared to ours, dogs’ smelling abilities are super intelligent; it's as if they can "see'' into different worlds with merely one sniff. A dog's sense of smell not only perceives what is happening presently but also glimpses bits from the past. Unbelievable? Believe it - your pup really does have a superpower!

Allow me to ask, are you providing your pup with the exercise their unique power craves? Taking them to a wide-open space like a park, lawn or even woods would be ideal. Of course that means being on high alert and monitoring all activity while they happily explore. Sadly, this isn't always possible without an involved plan of action due to time constraints and location - which only applies to a few lucky pups!

As a dedicated dog lover, I'm passionate about informing pet owners of the immense value and joy that snuffle mats can bring to their furry friends in this regard. That said, it's important to recognize that these are not miracle products; yet they do provide a fantastic opportunity for your pup to engage in stimulating activities in the confines of your home. When done right - with quality materials and correct design - Snuffle Mats become an invaluable tool in improving more than just mental stimulation levels for dogs!

Allow me to share a few of the amazing benefits that your furry friend can reap from using a snuffle mat. Before that though, just to make sure we are all on the same page, let me give a one sentence description of what a snuffle mat for dogs is: A snuffle mat is basically a cleverly crafted device (mat) with multiple compartments in it for hiding dry dog treats and kibble. It encourages your pup to use their powerful sense of smell to sniff out their favorite snacks – then figure out how to get them into its mouth! Here are some of the benefits:

Mental Stimulation and Enrichment

Let's begin by articulating exactly what it is: Mental enrichment for dogs involves providing them with activities that challenge and stimulate their mental capacities, which leads to a healthier, enhanced state of being. Furthermore, this not only curbs boredom but also minimizes problem behaviors while simultaneously boosting physical and emotional well-being.

A Snuffle Mat must have a plethora of "elements" or "puzzles" to keep your pup engaged and entertained. It challenges them by providing difficult-to-reach places that require their brain to think about different angles for approach. Through this exercise, they will learn how to retrieve kibble from pockets or flaps or whatnot with ease, giving them an upgrade in their ability at being naughty - much like my golden retriever Obi who can now find his way into my family's bags! It makes them smarter at problem solving in that way.

Sniffers Paradise Treat Pad

A big Snuffle Mat with an array of elements / puzzles is essentially the perfect playground for your pup's olfactory capabilities. All you need to do is hide a handful of their top two or three favorite treats in different parts of the mat, allowing them to search according to their whims. Also try hiding some new snacks within the mat - this will be sure to test even your most experienced furry friend!

Let's not forget that this process is an incredible experience for our furry friends. Whereas humans may only pick up one scent, dogs can detect a multitude of aromas! They act like detectives while they sniff and follow trails to their fav treats that their noses led them to - how exciting and rewarding, Yey!

Mega slow feeder

"Bloat" (GDV) is an extremely dangerous and often fatal condition for dogs, with rapid eating being one of its main risk factors. When we initially brought Obi our Golden Retriever home at two months old he ate his food in a mere sixty seconds when it was placed on a regular dog bowl - dangerously fast! Even after switching to a slow feeding bowl, which increased the time taken to around two minutes, Obi still devoured his meal far too quickly.

With the Snuffle Mat we designed, it took our pup 7-12 minutes to eat his meal. The exact time depended on how much I used all of the pockets (there are dozens) in the PNI Snuffle mat. But that is a major improvement. Even if you just spread their food over a 5.4sq foot area instead of giving them their portion from one 10 inch bowl, that alone can drastically reduce eating speed!

Paaaws n' i Snuffle Mat

The Paaaws n' i (PNI) Snuffle Mat which I am quite proud of, has 9 elements / puzzles spread on a 5.4sq foot base with virtually zero dead space. The 9 elements are: a double triangle, a triple hexagon, 3 cups with grass, the flower petals, the grass, loops, the drapes, 4 circles and 4 X's.

Our pockets and angles span all directions, requiring your pup to constantly adjust their approach. With numerous elements, you can switch up the combinations every session - think of it as having multiple mats in one! An example combination might be: hexagons, petals and cups. The large 784 square inch size is essential to ensure that searching actually takes place!

Doggo Safe Mat

We designed our Mat to offer optimal safety for your furry friend. The top is fashioned from a luxurious polar fleece fabric, accompanied by cotton binding on the sides and delicate stitching of cotton threading. In an effort to maintain this level of safety throughout, we intentionally excluded bb squeakers and other gimmicks that could potentially present hazardous choking risks if they came loose.

The bottom of the mat is made from oxford cloth with rubber studs for added traction and stability, plus two 12-inch anchor ties on opposite sides that you can use to secure it in place if needed. Floor suckers are not included as these items may be chewed by dogs. And lastly for the belts that bundle up the mat when not in use we chose Velcro instead of the plastic buckles that based on reviews of other mats, all too often have been chewed by dogs resulting in not so nice trips to the vet.

Having done all we can to keep our dogs safe on the mat, you still need to be there when they use it. If the kibble they are looking for are their favorites, they will have no reason to chew the mat. And when they are done eating, you must retrieve the mat less they chew on it and tear it up.

We are a dog loving pet brand, committed to lovingly fulfilling your pup's needs both now and in the future. Right now, our snuffle mat is exclusively accessible on Amazon!

Please visit our website for more resources and to get to know us more. Here is the link to that video of dogs' incredible sense of smell!

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Shattered heart, shattered dreams with Hope Rising… (2014)

Every version of my life dream included you in it

It may have been the birth of another child, the move to another place or a vacation somewhere far

It always had room for you because you always had a place in my heart

The dream of a new home, one with a garden for you to roam – that was always in my heart.

The dream of a new home where all of us lived in one room – I need you to know, it's always been in my heart.

Yes, many versions of my dreams were beyond the scope of reality, but I just could not let you go in any way until reality’s greater powers finally caught up with us and leaves me with all versions of dreams broken and a shattered heart.

I know that love is more than words and emotions, and you know that too because true love surrounded you all the days of your life.

You had more kisses than days, and the longest trip I took without you lasted four days and then I made sure I made up for the missed kisses for you.

I gave you every single bath you had for 11 years

And that’s just me. There are so many others that surrounded you, everyone loving you in their own way. Yes, everyone loved Jesse.

And you loved me too, I know for sure.

Never once did I come home without you always 100% excited to see me – every single time!

It was the same for me, every single time I was excited to see you.

I remember when you hurt yourself from jumping up and down for bread, you ran to me and I ran to you, instantly. There is something we share that can’t be explained in words.

And that final time I saw you, just minutes before your final departure, you were still as happy to see me as ever before.

I so thank God for you, Jess, for the 11 years we had together and for giving me the chance to be with you and to walk you out from time to eternity.

So much we shared for 11 years Jess, can’t imagine that the hugs, kisses and touch has ended.

Now the only way the dream can come true is if it’s a dream in God’s own heart

Because His Word says, “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”

So my hope remains in His heart and Word, and if it is His dream, then it will be much better coz it’s for eternity.

Whatever happens, you will always live in my heart. Love is eternal so i love you forever. You will always be my Jesse.

But wait, HE said “All things”, right? See you soon my love, in my arms again soon!

Till we meet again my love! You will always be my baby!

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Jake and Jesse

During my childhood, from 1st grade till probably just before my 20's, I grew up with 8 dogs of different breeds. So much love all their lives, so much heartbreak at the end. Yet there always seemed to be something missing when we did not have a dog.

So (in the late 90's) in my early 20's after some research, I bought myself a golden retriever. Named him Jake. We were super close as this was the first dog that slept in my room and on my bed. Even when he had ear infections and that was super stinky. Same pillow and we faced different directions.

So much fun times with him, from playing with the garden hose in the yard chasing water, to driving to the small town we live in, he was my constant companion.

Back then, my wife and I just started dating and she quickly fell in love with him too! Jake would welcome friends over like you won't believe. But Jake had some sort of issue that showed up as a puss right in the middle of his snout. After a long time with no progress cleaning up and putting ointment, the doctor wanted a blood test and from the time I got the results I was filled with panic. The doctor was optimistic but I just had the worst gut feeling ever. And it was only less then a week of best efforts and best medications before we had to put him to sleep.

That last night Jake could not even climb the bed anymore and I just pulled the mattress down and we slept together and I cried a river because it was just too painful. That was Feb 14. Worst valentines ever. Blood was going through his skin and he could hardly walk at all. I called the doctor that night and he just said one more blood test in the morning and if there was no improvement he would proceed.

I tell you that was the worst I had felt. He was like my first baby. The next morning before we put him to sleep, the whole family gathered around to say goodbye and I was so broken. I cried so hard, I said to him "This is where our journey ends, baby. I love you forever, Jake".

I barely had Jake for 2 years. My mom probably knew something I did not, she called someone who knew someone else and I had to drive to a town not too close to pick up my new dog. He was a Labrador and I named him Jesse. By this time I knew already that no one knows how long we have and so I was determined to make every second count with Jesse.

Jesse and i

Jesse and i

I had him for 11 years and I gave him every single bath he needed from the first day till the last. Longest trip without him was 4 days. But lots of phone calls hahaha.

Grace and I got married when he was about 3 and it was just us 3 for 6 years then my first child was born. My wife and I had to move up to a second floor apartment and since Jesse always needed the yard, he stayed on the ground floor with my mom. We came down every day and many days we would bring Jesse up at night too.

Jesse was mature and he was so gentle with my son. He was 2 and a half when Jesse suddenly passed away and my second son was just a month old. I suspect with the pregnancy and all that I may have missed signs of Jesse's health deterioration. But that day he passed, I got the call and quickly came down. When I got there, Jesse could not stand anymore but he raised his head and wagged his tail. So happy to see me as always. I quickly ran to him and put his head on my lap. I called his doctor and he came quickly but by then Jesse was gone. He had very short breathing and as much as I wanted him to stay, I saw he was fighting a very hard fight. He was on my lap and I just told him, you can go now baby. I will see you again some day. I gave him lots of kisses and he calmly lay his head down on my lap and went to sleep. That was another major heartbreak.

When I showed my second son Ezra a video of Jesse he cried so hard for about a half hour. I don't even know where the connection comes from because they were only together for 1 month. Thankfully they did have a couple pictures together. You can read the poem I wrote after Jesse left us.

Here’s a link to that ultra emotional poem I wrote after Jesse passed away.

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Review After 3 Months Use: My Experience With the Snuffle Mat

So you want to know what the snuffle mat did for my pup, right? Great! He is a Golden Retriever named Obi by the way. Here we go with what the snuffle mat did for my Obi.

Health, Safety and enrichment

The snuffle mat added an exciting new element to Obi's mealtime routine! Instead of inhaling his food in under 2 minutes like the food bowl, the mat challenged him to search and find his meal in bits and taking between 7-12 mins each meal. And it was like a mini hunting game for him, searching and solving puzzles to access his food. Not only did it make mealtime more fun, but it also helped to reduce the risk of indigestion, vomiting and the potentially fatal condition known as bloat. It's like an adventure for your pup at every meal!

The snuffle mat has 9 different puzzles / elements that challenge Obi to use his problem-solving skills to unlock his food. It was amazing to see how quickly he learned the ropes and began to master the challenges - we were so proud of our smart pup! And the best part was when we saw him applying the skills he learned beyond the mat. He was even reaching into my wife and kids bags and carefully using his problem-solving skills to find snacks! It was so clear that he had developed a more confident and curious attitude towards problem-solving, it was exciting to see him using his brain in new ways!

Although we initially used the snuffle mat during every meal for 3 months, Obi's appetite took a hit after he unfortunately came down with a parasitic infection and had to take medication he hated.

Treat games

Obi no longer needs the mat as a slow feeder, but we've found a new way to incorporate the mat into Obi's routine - using it as a fun, interactive treat game. It's still a great way for him to use his brain and nose to sniff out yummy treats!"

Sniffing, searching and satisfying his treat cravings! Our treat games with Obi and the snuffle mat are a paws-itively thrilling adventure for his supercharged scent receptors and processors. We hide his favorite treats throughout the mat and watch as he eagerly sniffs and searches for them, finally chowing down on his well-earned rewards. It's a win-win for both him and us, as we get to bond and have fun together.

To end this, let me share with you a condensed version of PNI Snuffle Mat Design Philosophy

PNI Snuffle Mat Design Philosophy (Condensed version)

At PNI, we believe in creating snuffle mats that provide the best for your furry friends. We put a lot of thought and care into designing our snuffle mat to ensure it is not only exciting for your pup, but also safe and secure.

The size of the mat is an important aspect as a bigger mat would provide a wider search area for your pup, slowing down their feeding, and allowing for more challenges for them to flex their brain and nose power. We also focus on high puzzle variation, minimizing dead space, and using pet-friendly materials.


Our snuffle mat is 5.4 sq feet and is packed with 9 elements or puzzles, made with soft polar fleece on top and rubber studded oxford cloth on the bottom.

Buying is Optional, Supervision a must

Always supervise your pup during use. Our snuffle mat can be found on Amazon.

You can read the long version over here: Welcome to PNI Snuffle Mat Design Philosophy (Full Blog Post)

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Welcome to PNI Snuffle Mat Design Philosophy (Full Blog Post)

At PNI, we believe in creating products that provide the best for your furry friends. That's why we put a lot of thought and care into designing our snuffle mat. From the number of stimulating elements, to the materials used, to the size, we made sure that our snuffle mat is not only exciting for your pup, but also safe and secure. Join us as we take a deeper dive into the design philosophy behind our snuffle mat, and discover how it can enhance your dog's mealtime experience.

Poor Design is wasted opportunity to serve our canine buds

Snuffle Mat design must be strategic and intentional to provide the best enrichment to the pup. Unfortunately, many snuffle mats on the market are designed more to attract the owner than to truly benefit the dog. This often leads to choking hazards and the use of abrasive materials like oxford cloth, which may be durable but at what cost?

Moreover, to have a big mat with empty space is a painful loss of opportunity to serve our beloved pets and to have a small mat and still have dead space is simply sad. Don't you feel the same?


One of the most important aspects of the snuffle mat is its size. A bigger mat would provide a wider search area for your pup, which in turn would slow down their feeding. This is crucial for the ultra fast feeding pups to eat safely. By starting with a bigger mat footprint, we can also strategically increase the amount of challenges for them to flex their canine brains and nose powers. A bigger mat also allows us to serve a wider range of pup sizes. A big mat for a big dog is awesome. A big mat for a small dog is double awesome!

Puzzle variation

Another key element of a good snuffle mat is that it must offer a high variety of quality puzzles. That increases the problem-solving opportunities for dogs. The puzzles which do hide kibble out of sight, presents your pups with more opportunities to use their powerful olfactory senses. Did you know that dogs have between 100-300 million scent receptors, compared to our 5 million, and their scent processors are about 40 times more powerful than ours? Combining problem-solving with scent tracking avenues provides your pups with a very high-value enrichment experience.

Dead Space

For us at PNI, there are 2 reasons to have a bigger mat: First, obviously is is to serve big dogs as well as small ones and the second is to improve and scale up the experience by adding puzzle variety. Now, by minimizing the amount of empty space on the mat, we are able to maximize the impact and effectiveness of the mat relative to its size resulting in a more enjoyable stimulating and enriching experience for your beloved pups.

Making the good mat great with Pet friendly materials:

Having a big mat with a good variety of puzzles and little to no dead space is good, but not yet great. Safety is paramount, which is why we choose to use only pet-friendly materials on the snuffle mat. Soft polar fleece is gentle on dogs skin, especially the skin under the mouth area as that will always have contact with the surface. You do not want abrasive materials on the top part of the mat or any place that contacts the dog often. Also, we see lots of toys with plastic bits inside to make noise and they often get loose and end up where it shouldn't. The same is true with plastic buckles that have often be chewed and swallowed. These are mostly unnecessary things we call gimmicks that are accidents waiting to happen.


The exciting part was putting all these together! The result? It's a 5.4 sq foot (784 sq inch ) Snuffle Mat that's packed with 9 elements or puzzles and almost zero dead space. It is lovingly made with only soft polar fleece on top where your pup will meet all the 9 puzzles. On the bottom we have a rubber studded oxford cloth for anti-slip measures. Plus, we even added a few extra safety features like Velcro instead of normal plastic buckles for the stowaway straps, and 2 pairs of 12 inch anchor ties in case you want to tie it to something solid. It's a snuffle mat that's not only fun for your pup, but also safe and secure. Now, that's a great snuffle mat!

9 elements / puzzles

The nine elements are a double triangle, a triple hexagon, 3 cups with grass in it, lots of grass, a big center flower, 4 X's, 4 balls, 2 rows of loops and lastly the drapes. Well, they do look like drapes! You can use all of them at once for a slow feeder or you can use different combinations of 3 or 4 puzzles at a time to break monotony and effectively create a different experience. Its like having a few different mats in 1!

Buying is optional, Supervision is a must

In conclusion, the PNI Snuffle Mat is designed to provide a fun and stimulating mealtime experience for your furry friend. With its generous size, puzzle variation, minimized dead space, and pet-friendly materials, it's a product that's both exciting and safe for your pup. But remember, always supervise your pup during use to ensure their safety. You can find our snuffle mat on Amazon, and be sure to check out our brochure and user guide for more information.

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The Benefits of Snuffle Mats for Dogs: Why You Need One

Dogs are not just pets, they are family members, and their mental and physical health is just as important as ours. Snuffle mats are a great way to provide your furry friend with the mental and physical stimulation they need to stay happy and healthy. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of snuffle mats for different types of dogs and why every dog owner should consider getting one.

Explanation of Snuffle Mats

Snuffle mats are interactive feeding mats designed to provide dogs with a fun and challenging activity. They are made from soft and durable materials and come in different shapes, sizes, and designs. Snuffle mats are designed to stimulate your dog's sense of smell, providing them with a fun and engaging activity that keeps them mentally and physically stimulated.

Importance of Mental and Physical Stimulation for Dogs

Dogs are naturally active and curious animals that need a lot of physical and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. Regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight, improves cardiovascular health, and strengthens muscles. Mental stimulation, on the other hand, helps dogs stay sharp, confident, and happy.

Purpose of the Blog Post

The purpose of this blog post is to explore the benefits of snuffle mats for different types of dogs and why every dog owner should consider getting one. We will look at the benefits of snuffle mats for inactive dogs, bored dogs, anxious dogs, and fast-eating dogs.

Benefits of Snuffle Mats for Inactive Dogs

Definition of Inactive Dogs

Inactive dogs are dogs that do not get enough physical and mental stimulation. They may lack energy, enthusiasm, and interest in playing and interacting with their owners.

Physical and Mental Health Consequences of Inactivity

IInactivity can lead to a host of physical and mental health issues for dogs, including obesity, joint problems, and depression. Regular physical activity and mental stimulation are essential for dogs to stay healthy and happy.

How Snuffle Mats Help Inactive Dogs

Snuffle mats provide a fun and stimulating activity that keeps inactive dogs physically and mentally engaged. By hiding small pieces of their favorite treats in different places on the mat, dogs will enjoy tracking the scent to find them. Regular use of a snuffle mat can help inactive dogs stay healthy and happy.

Practical Tips for Using Snuffle Mats with Inactive Dogs

To use a snuffle mat with an inactive dog, start by hiding small pieces of their favorite treats in different places on the mat. Teach your dog how to find the treats if they get stuck, and they will quickly learn and enjoy this new activity. Using a snuffle mat regularly can help keep inactive dogs physically and mentally stimulated.

Benefits of Snuffle Mats for Bored Dogs

Definition of Bored Dogs

Bored dogs are dogs that do not get enough mental stimulation and are often destructive, chewing on household items, or engaging in excessive barking.

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