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Welcome to paaaws n' i curated resources page

Resources on this do not belong to PNI unless duly stated, rather they are have been subject to our screening and deemed good to share with our stamp of approval. We are only endorsing the video with limitations to its specific content and in no way are we endorsing the source or channel of any videos or resources you may find here. We hope to add more content and we hope that you find them to be of good help to your own needs as well as that of your pets.

For New Puppy Owners

Your Complete Puppy Training Schedule By Age

The BIG Mistake People Make When Teaching A Dog To Drop Something

How to Train Puppy to Heel and Walk Next to You - Amstaff Puppy

Your Complete First Week Puppy Training Plan


App Consultancy

Bloat - #1 Killer of Large Breed Dogs - How to Prevent It

We help you define

the best features for your app.

UX and UI Design

12 Foods Golden Retrievers Should Never Eat

We provide outstanding app design for your users.

Puppies Superpowers

App Consultancy

We help you define

the best features for your app.

How do dogs "see" with their noses? - Alexandra Horowitz